
To gain insight into motile processes dri­ven by actin we have devel­oped a pro­ce­dure to cor­re­late move­ment in liv­ing cells recorded in the light micro­scope with the struc­ture of the same cells in the elec­tron micro­scope. Dif­fer­ent meth­ods have also been employed to visu­al­ize cells in the elec­tron micro­scope, includ­ing cryo-electron microscopy. This sec­tion gives a brief insight into the tech­niques used.

The cytoskele­ton is rapidly fixed using alde­hy­des to cross-link pro­teins together with a deter­gent to remove the cell mem­brane.

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Immer­sion freez­ing is the method of choice to pre­pare intact cells or cytoskele­tons embed­ded in vit­ri­fied water for cryo-electron tomog­ra­phy.

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To relate struc­ture to func­tion we record how a cell was mov­ing at the instant of fix­a­tion for elec­tron microscopy.

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