Revi­sion of this site in 2013 was per­formed by Guenter Resch, Maria Nemethova and J. Vic­tor Small.

Sci­en­tific Con­tri­bu­tions

Mate­r­ial from other labs on this site has been kindly pro­vided by the fol­low­ing col­leagues:


The per­mis­sion of Ian Lamswood, Leica Microsys­tems Vienna, to use mate­r­ial about the Leica EM GP in the chap­ter on “Immer­sion Freez­ing” is being appre­ci­ated.


This site was imple­mented by Nex­pe­rion and is pow­ered by the open source con­tent man­age­ment sys­tem Joomla!. The design is based on the View­point tem­plate by Favthemes.