Pro­tein assem­blies are recruited to the tips of lamel­lipo­dia and filopo­dia that reg­u­late and drive the poly­meri­sa­tion of actin for pro­tru­sion. For reviews see Stradal et al., 2004; Chesarone and Goode, 2009; Tak­e­nawa and Suet­sugu, 2007; Derivery and Gautreau, 2010.

Live cell microscopy with GFP-tagged pro­teins has shown that mem­bers of this com­plex are specif­i­cally tar­geted to lamel­lipo­dia at the onset of pro­tru­sion (Hahne et al., 2001; Nak­a­gawa et al., 2003; Rot­tner et al., 1999; Stradal et al., 2001). The fol­low­ing movies show some mem­bers of the tip com­plex in lamel­lipo­dia and filopo­dia: mouse melanoma cells were trans­fected with the pro­teins indi­cated, tagged with GFP:



Scar WAVE1

Scar WAVE2


The WAVE com­plex com­prises in mam­mals Scar/WAVE and Abi, Sra1/PIR121, Nap1 (or haematopoi­etic Hem1) and Brick1/HSPC300. The role of WAVE is to acti­vate the Arp2/3 com­plex to ini­ti­ate actin branch­ing for the gen­er­a­tion of actin net­works in lamel­lipo­dia. Actin branch­ing can be repro­duced in vitro by mix­ing actin with an active domain of the WAVE or WASP pro­tein and the Arp2/3 com­plex (Amann and Pol­lard, 2001):

Branch­ing of actin in vitro by WAVE and the Arp2/3 com­plex observed using TIRF microscopy. Cour­tesy of Kai Schlueter and There­sia Stradal (unpub­lished).

As shown by the Welch group, the Arp2/3 com­plex is local­ized over the whole lamel­lipodium net­work. Pho­to­bleach exper­i­ments show that the Aprp2/3 com­plex tread­mills with actin in the lamel­lipodium:

Flu­o­res­cence recov­ery after pho­to­bleach­ing (FRAP) in the lamel­lipodium of a B16 melanoma cell express­ing Actin-RFP and ArpC5-GFP. Note that the recov­ery of the Arp label par­al­lels the recov­ery of actin (Lai et al., 2008). As shown by the Svitk­ina group, the Arp com­plex is absent from the core of actin bun­dles (microspikes) that trans­verse the lamel­lipodium. Video cour­tesy of Mal­go­zata Szco­zo­drak and Kle­mens Rot­tner (unpub­lished).

VASP is a mem­ber of the Ena/VASP fam­ily of pro­teins that act as pro­ces­sive elon­ga­tors of actin fil­a­ments (Bre­it­sprecher et al., 2011), as shown in the two fig­ures below:

Plas­tic beads coated with VASP pro­mote the growth of actin fil­a­ments at the bead sur­face by teth­er­ing actin fil­a­ments and feed­ing monomers into the plus ends. From Bre­it­sprecher et al., 2008.

Shows again the local­iza­tion of VASP at pro­trud­ing lamel­lipo­dia and filopo­dia tips in a fish fibrob­last express­ing VASP-GFP and Actin-RFP.

Schematic illus­tra­tion of some of the pro­teins and pro­tein com­plexes engaged in ini­ti­at­ing and organ­is­ing lamel­lipo­dia and filopo­dia. (Small et al., 2002)

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