Lamel­lipodium in 3D

The term “lamel­lipo­dia” was coined first by Aber­crom­bie and co-workers to describe the thin sheet-like exten­sions at the front of migrat­ing cells, to dis­tin­guish these from “filopo­dia”, the finger-like pro­jec­tions com­monly seen together with lamel­lipo­dia at the cell periph­ery.

The three dimen­sional orga­ni­za­tion of lamel­lipo­dia has been resolved by elec­tron tomog­ra­phy.

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The Arp2/3 com­plex fits in the elec­tron den­sity of actin branch junc­tions in lamel­lipo­dia.

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The first steps in lamel­lipo­dia for­ma­tion can be stud­ied by mon­i­tor­ing the repair of cyto­plasm after wound­ing.

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